June 3, 2024

Unlocking the potential of back office outsourcing (without a BPO Firm)

Outsourcing back office tasks has become a strategic move for businesses looking to streamline operations and cut costs. 

Traditionally, this has involved partnering with Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) firms. However, an emerging trend is the direct hiring of contractors or leveraging Employer of Record (EOR) services, providing even greater flexibility and control. 

Let’s explore how this can be done and the myriad benefits it offers.

What is back office outsourcing?

Back office functions are the essential, behind-the-scenes operations that keep a business running smoothly. 

These tasks, while not client-facing, are crucial to the company’s success. They include activities such as:

  • Finance and accounting: Managing invoices, payroll, and financial records (e.g. an accountant)
  • Human resources: Handling recruitment, employee onboarding, and benefits administration (e.g. a human resources assistant)
  • Data management: Entering, processing, and analyzing data (e.g. a data entry clerk)
  • IT support: Maintaining systems, troubleshooting, and ensuring cybersecurity (e.g. an IT support specialist)
  • Administrative support: Scheduling, managing communications, and organizing events (e.g. a virtual assistant)

Why outsource back office functions?

Outsourcing these tasks offers several immediate advantages:

  1. Cost savings: Reducing expenses related to hiring, training, and retaining full-time employees. This is particularly beneficial during periods of fluctuating business activity.
  2. Increased efficiency: Allowing core staff to focus on strategic business goals rather than administrative burdens.
  3. Scalability: Easily adjusting the size of your workforce to match business needs without the complexities of hiring and firing.

Direct hiring vs. BPO firms

While BPO firms provide comprehensive outsourcing solutions, they often come with higher costs and less direct control. 

Alternatively, hiring contractors directly or through an EOR offers a more tailored approach:

  • Direct hiring: Engaging freelancers or contractors gives you the flexibility to select individuals with the exact skills needed for specific tasks. Platforms like airteams can connect you with qualified professionals globally.
  • Employer of Record (EOR): An EOR allows you to hire employees in different countries without establishing a local entity. The EOR manages payroll, taxes, and compliance, making it easier for you to focus on integrating these employees into your business operations. Services like Remote or Deel specialize in EOR solutions.

Steps to outsource back office tasks without a BPO firm

  1. Identify tasks to outsource: Determine which back office functions can be handled remotely and are not core to your business strategy.
  2. Find qualified contractors: Use online platforms to search for professionals with the necessary expertise. Evaluate their profiles, reviews, and previous work. Platforms such as airteams can do the heavy lifting for you.
  3. Use EOR services for hiring: If you need long-term or full-time employees in other countries, engage an EOR to handle legal and administrative responsibilities.
  4. Integrate with your team: Ensure that remote workers or contractors are seamlessly integrated into your workflows. Use project management tools like Trello or Asana to maintain coordination.
  5. Monitor and optimize: Regularly assess the performance of outsourced tasks and make adjustments as needed to improve efficiency and outcomes.

Benefits of direct outsourcing and EOR

  • Cost control: Directly hiring contractors often incurs lower costs than engaging a BPO firm.
  • Enhanced control: You maintain direct oversight of the tasks and can pivot quickly as business needs change.
  • Access to global talent: An EOR enables you to tap into a global talent pool without worrying about local labor laws and regulations.

Real-world applications

Imagine your business is scaling up, and the HR department is struggling to manage the influx of new hires. 

By outsourcing HR tasks like recruitment and employee onboarding to a remote team, you can alleviate this pressure. Similarly, during tax season, an outsourced finance team can manage payroll and tax compliance, allowing your in-house finance manager to focus on strategic planning.


Outsourcing back office tasks does not necessarily require a BPO firm. By directly hiring contractors or using an EOR, you can achieve the same benefits—cost savings, efficiency, and scalability—while maintaining greater control over your operations. 

This approach empowers businesses of all sizes to optimize their back office functions and stay competitive in today’s dynamic market.

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